Descripción del proyecto

I Congreso Internacional Foro de Comunicación
Communication, politics and citizenship building for a cosmopolitan and global world
Málaga, February, 11th, 2022
The theme of the 1st International Congress «Asociación Foro de Comunicación» is: Communication, politics and the construction of citizenship for a cosmopolitan and global world.
The changes we have been experiencing in different aspects of our societies: technological; cultural; economic; political; media, open up a series of questions about the role of communication in the redefinition of citizenship in globalisation, adding a series of ethical-political questions derived from the impact of a new cosmopolitan awareness on the participation of individuals in our democracies. That is why in this first international conference we want to open the debate on how the roles of communication, citizenship and politics are changing in a cosmopolitan and global overflow.
- Round tables: four round tables will be held, each led by a moderator, in which a speaker and a researcher will be given the floor to present a series of ideas and experiences related to the topic to be discussed.
Depending on the health situation on the dates of the Forum, the round tables will be held in person or online.
Submission of papers: as the Forum is set up as a university congress, a call for papers will be launched for the contribution of academics and professionals who wish to submit papers.
Interested researchers can send their abstracts for the 2021 edition of the Communication Forum to the following email address: All abstracts received will be acknowledged within 72 hours.
Thematic axes of the papers: the papers submitted must fit into one of the thematic axes defined by the Scientific Committee and described in the «Call for papers» section.
Useful information
– Attendance to the Forum is free and can be either in person or online through Zoom; in case you want to attend online, the connection details are
Meeting ID: 847 1971 4093
Access code: 893607
– To request a certificate of attendance – registration is essential in order to be able to request a certificate of attendance at the Congress – send a request to indicating full name and DNI, NIE or passport or send the same data through the form in the REGISTRATION section.
– A volume will be published with the papers presented.
– Venue: Salón de Actos de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información. University of Málaga. c/León Tolstoi s/n Campus de Teatinos, 29010, Málaga.
– Attendance to the Forum is free and can be either in person or online through Zoom; in case you want to attend online, the connection details are
Meeting ID: 847 1971 4093
Access code: 893607
– To request a certificate of attendance – registration is essential in order to be able to request a certificate of attendance at the Congress – send a request to indicating full name and DNI, NIE or passport or send the same data through the form in the REGISTRATION section.
– A volume will be published with the papers presented.
– Venue: Salón de Actos de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información. University of Málaga. c/León Tolstoi s/n Campus de Teatinos, 29010, Málaga.
09:30 – 09:45 horas
Inmaculada Postigo Gómez.Dean of the Faculty of Information Sciences of the University of Malaga.
Juan Benavides. President of Foro de Comunicación.
Mª Fernanda Peña Sarmiento
Professor at the Uniminuto University and member of the
Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition of Colombia
10:15 – 10:30
Discussion panel 1. 10:30-12:15
Moderator: Aída María De Vicente Domínguez (UMA)
The role of the media in the construction of a new cosmopolitanism.
Fernando Galindo (UPSA)
Daniela Musicco (UFV)
María Sánchez Valle (CEU San Pablo)
Belinda de Frutos (UVA)
Discussion panel 2 12:15-13:45
Moderator: José Luis Fernández (University of Comillas)
Communication and cosmopolitan ethics.
Communication as a long-term social dialogue.
Ruth de Frutos (UMA)
Yolanda Polo (CONGDE)
Esther Simancas (UCA)
Call for papers
Communications: Communications proposals may address a range of issues including, but not limited to:
- The role of media in building a new cosmopolitanism.
- Digital transformations, participation and new content strategies: democratised communication?
- Public opinion, political communication and the construction of reality in networks.
- Communication as a long-term social dialogue.
- Cosmopolitan ethics and communication.
- Educommunication and cosmopolitanism.
- Communication and citizen participation.
- Citizen media for a global and cosmopolitan world.
Interested researchers can send their abstracts to the following e-mail address All abstracts received will be acknowledged within 72 hours.
December 3rd: deadline for receipt of abstracts. Abstracts must be submitted in word format in accordance with the publication guidelines approved by the Scientific Committee (download here Abstract format).
December 10th: notification by the Scientific Committee of the acceptance of abstracts. The list of accepted abstracts will be published and the authors will be notified by e-mail.
January 11th: deadline for receipt of abstracts. Once accepted by the Scientific Committee, abstracts will be prepared in a word document with a maximum length of 14 pages and in accordance with the rules of publication approved by the Scientific Committee (download here abstracts format).
January 18th: as in the case of abstracts, the list of accepted papers will be published and authors will be notified of acceptance by e-mail.
– Attendance to the Forum is free and can be either in person or online through Zoom; in case you want to attend online, the connection details are
Meeting ID: 847 1971 4093
Access code: 893607
– To request a certificate of attendance – registration is essential in order to be able to request a certificate of attendance at the Congress – send a request to indicating full name and DNI, NIE or passport or send the same data through the form in the REGISTRATION section.
– A volume will be published with the papers presented.
– Venue: Salón de Actos de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información. University of Málaga. c/León Tolstoi s/n Campus de Teatinos, 29010, Málaga.